Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Me! I subvert you!

After a good 6 months, there's now a second Too-Much-Makeup-Boy comic! It's less than amusing, but can't be any worse than the first one. At this rate I should achieve mad notoriety by the year 498648716412.


rand0mnowsfrem1daho34 said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

paa7ulog9l said...

read my last LJ entry or DIE.

culioedrp said...

Done and done. :D

und1m770 said...

Well, we could always talk about Nietszche. Or LaVey. Or how different we are from all of these plebians.Propaganda = Nazi boytoucher monthlyNew Apop = nuttin' but *oontz*Sorry. Too drunk to make sense. Too much makeup to not take myself seriously. Less is more, too much makeup boy! Less is more!You be making with the mad hilarity again. Get down with the mock. Mock mock mock.

scra5395yahoocom said...

Uh... quit it. You're scaring me. Make it stop!! Make the spooky stick-thing stop!!!!I haven't even heard the new Apop-- but from what I've read, I can imagine that it gives VAC a run for its money in the "tacky badness" department. :D

tinusilduitsnand7 said...

i loved it.how long did it take you?not 6 months i hope???

piinlpdoklke said...

Heh! No. It's an idea that suddenly popped into my head after thinking about how ridiculous we all are. A few minutes later it was a bad comic, scanned and put into *technicolor* on the computer.

budgetbeds4892 said...

god are we ridiculous or what???everyone is a phony striving to appear like they're not.good god.i do like the comic though. your drawing is edgy.